KESS V2 V1.89 is ECU Chip Tuning Tool KESS 1 update version . The KESS V2 ECU Chip Tuning Kit have manual in the CD. KESS V2 OBD2 Manager is with coverage of all major brands and protocols including Line, CAN, EDC17 and MED17 and Ford J1850. KESS V2 Following on the success of the tremendously stable and versatile KESS 1, this latest addition to the Alientech stable is probably the most advanced tool available today. What are the advantages of KESS V2?


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Today, very new car comes with OBDII a diagnostics computer which is used for service related matters. OBDII equipped cars have a distinctive port hidden somewhere in the passenger compartment, into which a diagnostic device is connected.


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Vas 5054a is an car diagnostic tools I often use to judge my car whether exist breakdown. Because the home is far from the garage, plus the oil cost certainly the costs are on the increase, so I think whether there is a way can diagnostic car easily and can do by myself. I search online and got the result. Eventually decide to buy this Auto Diagnostic Scanner online.
Indeed in earlier when in the beginning of car became main transportation tool the auto maintenance already grew up, but the diagnostic technique not yet 0quite mature and has to disassemble large and many parts. You can imagine that this big movement brings the damage to the car which perhaps only exist some small problem. Nowadays the auto diagnostic technique developing and auto diagnostic tool increasing accurate these problem also slowly be solved. The car owner also can buy some scan tool aim at themselves car type learn to diagnostic the breakdown.


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一輛現代索納塔2.0轎車,行駛里程5.5萬km,用戶反映該車著車後就熄火,以前被水淹後拖進維修廠,因為發動機控制單元進水,線路板已腐蝕,更換新件後就出現了該故障。據該廠的維修人員講,他們用故障診斷儀ford vcm(也可以使用更加專業的汽車診斷儀launch x431 diagun )測試發動機電控系統無故障碼,測量燃油系統油壓為355 kPa,對噴油器進行了流量測試未見異常,花了2天時間也未找出故障原因。


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